The Guthrie Gunfighters INC

Application / Renewal

If you are considering joining up with our wild herd of owlhoots, lawdogs and ladies, come by and see us in Guthrie, OK. or at any of our events or send us an email. We are a safety conscious group. We are always looking for interested individuals; men, women and even families, to help provide living history exhibits and performances. To the women out there you DO NOT have to play a saloon girl, you can be a cowgirl or character like Belle Star, Calamity Jane or Little Britches. If you have any questions please email us or come see us, we would love to talk to you. Please click the Application/ Re-newal form below to access the application
About Us
New Member:
If you are a current member in need of a renewal form, please click the Application/ Re-newal form below to access the application
Member Renewal:
Application / Renewal Form : PDF file
1. You need to be 21 years of age. Younger participants are allowed if parent/legal guardian joins and is present.
2. You will need to have an OSBI background check with NO felony convictions (waiverable if you have a concealed carry permit) to participate in the shoots and events. The completed OSBI report or copy of CCC must be on file.
3. We are a volunteer group. You are responsible for all your weapons, outfits / clothing and transportation. The Guthrie Gunfighters INC will provide all the blank ammunition used during the performances.
4. We are a safety conscious group, you will receive a Safety Manual and instruction in all our procedures: failure to follow established safety protocols and procedures will not be tolerated and your membership can and will be revoked for continued violations.
A couple Requirements to be aware of:
© 1993-2024 The Guthrie Gunfighters INC. All rights reserved.